Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Virtual gaming

"Man Tells His Kids About The Good Old Days When You Played Your Own Video Games Instead Of Watching Other People Play Them On The Internet". The Bee, of course.

The number of video games I played as a youth was, of course, 0. And as a young adult--you could number them on your thumbs. It was an expensive hobby, and would clearly suck far too many quarters away from my second-hand book fund.

That particular non-predilection seems not to have been hereditary, though perhaps the gene was merely latent.

I get the appeal in playing the games, and if I spent the time to get involved, I would probably get involved.

And I suppose kibitzing is a grand old tradition, made more attractive by the greater emphasis on storyline in video games.

And who has 30 hours to devote to solving a new game? Or $60 that doesn't have a better home?


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