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Monday, November 14, 2022


I didn't start a quest to find the most useless functions possible, just got to noodling starting with the prime question a bit earlier. Probably everybody knows the old faithful Taylor series for ex: n=0xn/n!. That's for all non-negative integers n. You know what ex looks like.

What do we wind up with if we try something similar but with the primes instead? Naturally there are plenty of possibilities. In what follows let pi be the i'th prime number.

How about just having products of primes in the denominator? ixiin=1pn

It falls to a minimum and then starts to rise again as you go negative. It doesn't rise as fast as ex for increasing x, unsuprisingly.

OK, suppose we use factorials instead of just the products of primes. ixipi!

For x increasing it also doesn't rise as fast as ex, but for negative x it climbs faster than before. Both this and the previous have a minimum: the one about about -2.7 and the previous at about -3.27.

One more, just for laughs. Pick out just the ex Taylor series expansion terms with prime powers of x.

\sum_i {{x^{p_i} \over { {p_i} !}}

It has 2 inflection points, and rises with x increasing and falls with x decreasing--sort of like a cubic would. Curious.(*)

And not obviously useful.

To wrap up, what started the exercise for me was, for x[1,1), ixipi.

Naturally this diverges almost everywhere, but it's cute.

If you've wondered why high school graphing calculators haven't changed in 20 years, this is why: it would do most of your algebra homework for you.

(*) It looks like Mathjax fails with this command--it boxed the raw LaTeX instead of processing it. I wonder why. And to make the text fall below the images, I had to add "style=clear:both;" inside the paragraph command.

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