Wednesday, September 11, 2024


I remember wondering what was going on in Benghazi--what was Stevens doing in this out of the way post? Somebody pointed out that some connected Saudis were in the area, getting out of Dodge as fast as they could, and that there was a rumor about weapons going to Syrian rebels. And what had just been opened up? Gaddaffi's arms stash--he had weapons to provide for one of the largest armies in the world at the time. (I didn't say one of the strongest, notice.) (I assume some of those arms wound up spread among Islamist groups in Africa.)

Hmm. Buying up loose gear and having Saudi's deniably ship it to Syrian rebels? It seemed plausible--the first part of it laudable.

Close but no cigar. Apparently they were trying to buy back weapons they'd given to Libyan rebels. Alarming stupidity at every turn...

1 comment:

Grim said...

MANPADS, in particular. They live in fear of the day one will shoot down an airliner, but they keep giving them out. The ones let out to the Contras were all recovered, but some of the Libyan ones ended up for sale in the Sahel.