Friday, August 07, 2020

Learn something new every day...

I'd heard of "The Chicago Machine" for decades: everybody has. Apparently I only heard of part of it. "This is the Prickwrinkle Machine continuing the "campaign" that they lost to the Rahm/Daley Machine. Crimesha, Evans, Dart and Prickwrinkle are birthed from the Stroger Machine. Their first loyalty is to the County Machine, not the City Machine." ... "We understand why you're writing this column - you see that Groot is losing - badly - and the future belongs to the Prickwrinkle Machine. The remnants of the Anton Cermak Machine are dissolving in a flurry of federal indictments and an old aging white guard. You won't have a job worth speaking of unless you have some sort of "in" with Prickwrinkle's people"

Toni Preckwinkle aka Prickwinkle lost the mayoral election to Lightfoot aka Groot (because of a close resemblance).

On the subject of tribal conflicts, the mostly black Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission succeeded in demoting the latino police chief Morales in favor of a black replacement. "Morales' relationship with the commission began to deteriorate almost as soon as the panel appointed him chief in 2018." (FWIW, the commission head is under investigation for misusing his position.) In July that commission banned the police from using tear gas: a number of police departments promptly "recinded their support" to help Milwaukee with the Democratic Convention.

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