Monday, December 27, 2021

Third day of Christmas

I know; wrong John for the day. Still, I've heard this passage so often this month that it seems worth a little inspection.

"It is he who will go as forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah"

What comes to your mind when you think of Elijah? Mine? Fire from heaven when he confronted the priests of Baal. There's nothing at all like that with John--no records of any miracles at all. Jesus said noone since Eve was greater than John -- until the kingdom of heaven.


  • Calls for a drought. Miracle
  • Provides food for a widow. Miracle
  • Raises widow's son from death. Miracle
  • Confronts Ahab and the priests of Baal.
  • Calls for fire from heaven. Miracle
  • Oversees the liberation of people from Baal.
  • Anoints the next rulers of Aram and Israel; identifies successor prophet.
  • Confronts King Ahab about Naboth's vineyard; he repents.
  • Confronts King Ahaziah about idolatry; no evidence of repentence.
  • Is taken to heaven. Miracle

Hmm. John did no miracles, which cuts out half of the incidents. What's left seems to be mostly confronting kings, overseeing conversions, and pointing out his successor.

Perhaps Gabriel has a different perspective on power than I do.

1 comment:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I think of things more as history coming to a point at the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. In that framing, everything happening in that space is magnified. Pointing out the Messiah is a hugely important item from the 30,000 ft perspective. Elijah's deeds were more localised to Israel.