How many cabins can you sleep in at once? If the sea is a trifle too heavy, or the sunset a hair too bright, you have your choice of suites on different levels and sides. Maybe the boat is steadier in high seas.
There's room to bring along each specialist masseuse--even the one for your big toes. You can bring along an orchestra for live music. And a film crew to record your every gesture. Your harem, of course, just in case your favorites don't suit you one evening. And cooks and cleaners and doctors and police to manage that mob. And... give me a hand here ...
You can't spend quality time with as many passengers as could fit on that thing, so you must want them to enjoy themselves without you, or give that impression to others. So you're "looking on," just as predicted.
Ecclesiastes 5:10 https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Ecclesiastes%205%3A10
Of course it isn't so much for his pleasure as it is a tool to manipulate people who are impressed by the signs of wealth.
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