Sunday, February 12, 2023

Chesterton's Fence

Except that I'm sure at least some of those are really not needed.


Korora said...

Cable salad, not on the menu. ;þ

Douglas2 said...

I've started to zip-tie a wire closet shelf vertically to the table-legs at the back. All the junk like that gets zip-tied on, with excess cable tied in neat coils so that one can see easily where each cable is coming-from and going-to. A sort of organization in order of signal chain helps, with power cables segregated except for the minimal straight path to the object that they power. And lots of labels - labels on each end of each cable, labels on each power-adapter in the power-strip.

HDMI distribution to multiple displays is not voodoo, but there are several expedient tricks that may seem stupid -- like using splitters with only one output used -- that very reliably make things work when they should be working but aren't.

I see someone had to bring in the heavy artillery, as there's a Decimator format converter involved . . .

james said...

To make it more fun, this comes from several generations of people, and I'm not sure any one person knows what all of it is for. There's more to the right...

But absolutely--labels. Preferably color-coded