''I do not know everything; still many things I understand.'' Goethe
Observations by me and others of our tribe
... mostly me and my better half--youngsters have their own blogs
Try to drive out Mammon in our own strength, and Mammon returns with seven gods from the Aztec pantheon.
Adding to Wolfe's list. Yes, thank you Korora. Seven demonic personifications:Mammon, love of money or other false wealth.Bacchus, loving unreason and intoxication.Gaia, an un-natural love, service devotion to "Nature" displacing Adam's God and childrenEris (Apophis, Coyote, Loki, Tiamat...) love of change and destruction, confusion and chaos for its own sake.
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Try to drive out Mammon in our own strength, and Mammon returns with seven gods from the Aztec pantheon.
Adding to Wolfe's list. Yes, thank you Korora. Seven demonic personifications:
Mammon, love of money or other false wealth.
Bacchus, loving unreason and intoxication.
Gaia, an un-natural love, service devotion to "Nature" displacing Adam's God and children
Eris (Apophis, Coyote, Loki, Tiamat...) love of change and destruction, confusion and chaos for its own sake.
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