Monday, July 19, 2021

Rabbit tracking

I took to wondering about hinges. I've heard of leather hinges, which despite a certain lack of durability seem actually to have been used--within living memory--to hang doors. (Read the comments on that article.) What did the Romans use?

"Roman doors opened and closed on pivots connected to the top and bottom of the leaf. These pivots were inserted into bronze turning posts that were cut into the threshold". Doors, curtains, partitions and the like didn't survive, and even in Pompeii not much was left. But there's still quite a bit to learn about. One detail: "lower quality materials were preferred in the front of the house, in the areas most accessible to visitors and guests, while the finest materials were reserved (for) the areas surrounding the secluded back garden." Perhaps they didn't want the tax man to get too grand an idea of their wealth.

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